On the day of the birth of the Slovenian poet France Preserna, you can visit the exhibition of Guatemalan artist Antonio Pichill Entertainment, the permanent exhibition on the history of Switzerland and the Memorial studio of Stojan Batic in MGLC Switzerland. At 14. uri and join us in Tivoli Castle for the opening of the Victor Vasarel exhibition in Echo.
Na dan rojstva slovenskega pesnika Franceta Prešerna si v MGLC Švicariji oglejte razstavo gvatemalskega umetnika Antonia Pichillája, stalno razstavo o zgodovini Švicarije ter Spominski atelje Stojana Batiča. Ob 14. uri pa se nam pridružite v Gradu Tivoli na odprtju razstave Victor Vasarely v odmevu.