Nutria events

This happy day of culture: theater performance Magpie and Owl Ta veseli dan kulture: Gledališka predstava Srakica in Sova

theatre children

Culture public Institute confluence of Medvode,, +386 (0)1 361 43 46.

Free tickets can be withdrawn at TIC Medvode and bar kulture 313,6

KULTURA Javni zavod Sotočje Medvode,, +386 (0)1 361 43 46.

BREZPLAČNE VSTOPNICE lahko dvignete v TIC Medvode in Baru kulture 313,6

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Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Javni zavod za šport, turizem, kulturo, mladino in socialno varstvene storitve Sotočje Medvode
Location: Kulturni dom Medvode, Cesta ob Sori 13, 1215 Medvode