Nutria events

This happy day or mother gets married Ta veseli dan ali Matiček se ženi


With the author's adaptation of Beaumarchais ' satire, The Spiritual Child of the Enlightenment Anton Tomaz Linhart (1756-1795), the son of a Czech immigrant of bourgeois descent and a Slovenian woman, laid the foundation stone of Slovenian theatre and drama. In doing so, he unequivocally proved that the peasant language of the uneducated and uncultivated Slovenes on stage sounds just as artfully as other languages, while skillfully weaving into the text the idea of freedom, brotherhood and equality of all people.

Z avtorsko priredbo Beaumarchaisove satire je duhovni otrok razsvetljenstva Anton Tomaž Linhart (1756–1795), sicer sin češkega priseljenca meščanskega rodu in Slovenke, položil temeljni kamen slovenskega gledališča in dramatike. S tem je nedvoumno dokazal, da kmečki jezik neukih in nekultiviranih Slovencev na odru zveni prav tako umetelno kot drugi jeziki ter ob tem v besedilo še spretno vtkal idejo o svobodi, bratstvu in enakosti vseh ljudi.

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
MGL Mestno gledališče ljubljansko
Čopova 14, 1000 Ljubljana
01/ 4258 222
Location: Veliki oder, MGL, Ljubljana