Kd Orel Semic and Parish Semic village at 29. Krakar days 2025 and at 30. on the anniversary of the operation of the Cultural Association Orel Semic are invited to the Holy Mass for LOJZE and Mara KRAKAR on Friday, 21. February, at 18. hours in the Church of St. Stephen in Semich.
KD Orel Semič in Župnija Semič vas ob 29. Krakarjevih dnevih 2025 in ob 30. obletnici delovanja Kulturnega društva Orel Semič vabita na SVETO MAŠO ZA LOJZETA in MARO KRAKAR v petek, 21. februarja, ob 18. uri v cerkvi sv Štefana v Semiču.