Nutria events

Superglue (Syn. animated family film) SUPERBOŽIČEK (sinh. animirani družinski film)


After so many years of delighting children around the World, Santa Claus craves new adventures and seems unable to gather motivation and energy to fulfill his mission. He dreams of being more like his idol, the movie superhero Super-Christmas, who also fights villains while delivering toys to children everywhere. When an accident causes Santa to lose his memory, he begins to believe that he is indeed super Santa and sets off after the film villain grumpus, his greatest enemy. Santa Claus is desperately looking for his lovely dwarf Leo and runs into an 11-year-old girl, Billie, in the process. There are only four days left until Christmas! Leo, Billie, and her robot K. A. R. L. are looking for a way to restore Santa's memory and return him to the north pole before Christmas is ruined!

Directed By Steve Majaur / Andrea Sebasti /

Duration: 88 minutes

Po toliko letih razveseljevanja otrok po vsem svetu Božiček hrepeni po novih dogodivščinah in zdi se, da ne more zbrati motivacije in energije, da bi izpolnil svoje poslanstvo. Sanja o tem, da bi bil bolj podoben svojemu idolu, filmskemu superjunaku SuperBožičku, ki se bori tudi z zlikovci, medtem ko otrokom vsepovsod dostavlja igrače. Ko zaradi nesreče Božiček izgubi spomin, začne verjeti, da je res Superbožiček in se odpravi za filmskim zlobnežem Grumpusom, svojim največjim sovražnikom. Božička obupano išče njegov ljubki škrat Leo in pri tem naleti na 11-letno deklico Billie. Do božiča so ostali le še štirje dnevi! Leo, Billie in njen robot K.A.R.L. iščejo način, kako Božičku povrniti spomin in ga vrniti na severni tečaj, preden bo božič uničen!

Režija: Steve Majaury, Andrea Sebastiá

Trajanje: 88 minut

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