Nutria events

Substance Substanca


The Substance, 2024, UK, USA, France

Directed By Coralie Fargeat

Language: English

Played By: Demi Moore, Margaret / / / / / / / / / / /

creepy drama, 02h20min

Have you ever dreamed of a better version of yourself?

Younger, prettier, more perfect?

A single injection will unlock your DNA

and release a new version of yourself.

The only rule: you will have to share time.

One week for one body, one week for another …

Elisabeth Sparkle used to be a famous Holl-modoodoo actress, and now hosts the television fitness show SHO-modo. But since the show needs new blood, the boss fires her on her fiftieth birthday …


An extravagant and spectacularly bloody body horror with the fearless Demi Moore in the role of the blossomed Holl of the animaloid star. French director Carolie Fargeat Strikes Back a society obsessed with beauty, youth and fame. Cannes Best Screenplay award.

Pre-sale of tickets: Alga Gallery.


"A shamelessly goofy and outrageously entertaining specimen of gonzo body horror with a touch of comedy; a film that seriously lacks subtlety and a positive attitude towards the body – in fact, any positivity. Roger Corman would be thrilled.«

- Peter Bradsha / The Guardian

"The substance sucks us into the chaotic, perplexing emotional devastation of menopause, as few films have done. / ... / The grim Faustian pact-partly Dorian GRA < Br>, partly Gremlins.«

- The Guardian, The Guardian

"Demi Moore may not have really been born for a breathtaking role in this film, but surely she could at least be baptized with her in mind. / ... / Substance is an unprecedented satirical horror film, alternately funny, touching and stunningly grotesque. Demi Moore, majestically returning to the film scene, grabs the role as if it were her life. / ... / The director's choice of this actress and her willingness to get naked at Sixty – One – both emotionally and physically-are what connect substance in a surprising way with her themes. For at least thirty years, the actress has not mastered any film with such certainty. Watching her face Demi Moore in the mirror – and how mercilessly she does it-is something truly extraordinary.«

- Tim Robe / The Telegraph

"The substance is also about something much less obvious: that string of late-middle-aged reputations that are really hard to say. It seems that Coralie Fargeat, herself in middle age, has already met with some of them, and now she has turned them into a brilliant, bitter joke. You will laugh that it will hurt you – until you stop.«

- Stephanie Zacharek, Time

"Let's celebrate the birth of Substance, the demonic twin Barbie Greta Ger Animatig! / ... / The bloodiest and scandalous film in the history of the Cannes Film Festival.«

- Manu Animatez, Fotogramas

"An epic, bold and truly disgusting masterpiece of body horror. / ... / The substance Coralie Fargeat is an irresistible, ecstatically overflowing fairy tale about female self-hatred that stops at nothing – but really nothing-to break down the relentless beauty standards that women have been forced to face for millennia; a burden that this instant Campo classic tries to throw off with the most spectacularly disgusting instance of bodily horror on the fly, or perhaps the last minutes of Akira. / ... / The result of the director's crazy experiment is a mixture of Crazy Friday and All About Eve and Andrzej's obsession with the film, simple enough to be understood by a child, but disgusting enough to make the more sensitive among the viewers break out lunch. And those with a strong stomach will be rewarded with the most disgustingly fun movie event of the year /.../. Demi Moore has never taken such a risk. Few modern players of her forge ever did. And when you see where that risk takes her in the completely blown – away final act of the film, your jaw will fall to the ground-if it's still attached to your body at all.«

- David Ehrlich, Indieamentire

"Substance Coralie Fargeat is a body horror with the subtlety of a mace. He hits us on the head with his ideas and images, so that even fleeting moments of seeming beauty, which the characters desperately chase, turn into something majestically disgusting. But the film is also insanely entertaining, while driving into increasingly dizzying heights and increasingly outrageous depths /.../. One of the most absurd and unbridled films shown at the [Cannes] festival this year. Few even came close to him.«

- Chase Hutchinson, The Changrap < Br >

"Shocking and meaningful, disarmingly grotesque and strangely entertaining substance is a feminist body horror film that should be shown in cinemas across the country. / ... / Even if you watch horror movies every day, the substance is still one of the few that creates a real monster ; not just a mass of disfigured flesh, but a deformation of the spirit. This is what we hide in our interior, says the film. This is what we do to ourselves.«

- O Animaten Gleiberman, Variet

The Substance, 2024, Velika Britanija, ZDA, Francija

Režija: Coralie Fargeat

Jezik: angleščina

Igrajo: Demi Moore, Margaret Qualley, Dennis Quaid

srhljiva drama, 02h20min

Ste kdaj sanjali o boljši različici samih sebe?

Mlajši, lepši, bolj popolni?

Ena sama injekcija bo odklenila vaš DNK

in sprostila novo verzijo vas samih.

Edino pravilo: čas si bosta morali deliti.

En teden za eno telo, en teden za drugo …

Elisabeth Sparkle je bila včasih slavna hollywoodska igralka, zdaj pa vodi televizijski fitnes show. Toda ker oddaja potrebuje novo kri, jo šef na petdeseti rojstni dan odpusti …


Ekstravagantna in spektakularno krvava telesna grozljivka z neustrašno Demi Moore v vlogi odcvetele hollywoodske zvezde. Francoska režiserka Carolie Fargeat vrača udarec družbi, obsedeni z lepoto, mladostjo in slavo. Nagrada za najboljši scenarij v Cannesu.

Predprodaja vstopnic: Galerija Alga.


»Brezsramno trapast in nezaslišano zabaven primerek gonzo telesne grozljivke s pridihom komedije; film, ki mu resno primanjkuje subtilnosti in pozitivnega odnosa do telesa – pravzaprav kakršne koli pozitivnosti. Roger Corman bi bil navdušen.«

– Peter Bradshaw, The Guardian

»Substanca nas posrka v kaotično, begajoče čustveno razdejanje menopavze, kot je to uspelo le redkim filmom. /…/ Mračen faustovski pakt – deloma Dorian Gray, deloma Gremlini.«

– Wendy Ide, The Guardian

»Demi Moore morda res ni bila rojena za dih jemajočo vlogo v tem filmu, zagotovo pa bi jo lahko vsaj krstili z mislijo nanjo. /…/ Substanca je satirična grozljivka brez primere, izmenično smešna, ganljiva in osupljivo groteskna. Demi Moore, veličastno vračajoč se na filmsko prizorišče, vlogo zagrabi, kot bi ji šlo za življenje. /…/ Režiserkina izbira te igralke in njena pripravljenost, da se pri enainšestdesetih letih razgali – tako čustveno kot telesno –, sta tisto, kar Substanco na presenetljiv način poveže z njenimi temami. Igralka že vsaj trideset let ni obvladovala kakšnega filma s takšno gotovostjo. Opazovati jo, kako se sooči z Demi Moore v zrcalu – in kako neusmiljeno to stori –, je nekaj resnično izjemnega.«

– Tim Robey, The Telegraph

»Substanca govori tudi o nečem mnogo manj očitnem: o tistem nizu sloves v poznih srednjih letih, ki jih je resnično težko izreči. Zdi se, da se je Coralie Fargeat, tudi sama v srednjih letih, z nekaterimi od njih že srečala, zdaj pa jih je spremenila v briljantno, grenko šalo. Smejali se boste, da vas bo bolelo – dokler se ne boste več.«

– Stephanie Zacharek, Time

»Praznujmo rojstvo Substance, demonske dvojčice Barbie Grete Gerwig! /…/ Najbolj krvav in škandalozen film v zgodovini filmskega festivala v Cannesu.«

– Manu Yáñez, Fotogramas

»Epska, drzna in zares nagnusna mojstrovina telesne groze. /…/ Substanca Coralie Fargeat je neustavljivo, ekstatično prekipevajoča pravljica o ženskem samosovraštvu, ki se ne ustavi pred ničemer – ampak res ničemer –, da bi zrušila neusmiljene lepotne standarde, s katerimi so se ženske prisiljene soočati že tisočletja; breme, ki ga ta takojšnja campovska klasika skuša odvreči z najbolj spektakularno nagnusnim primerkom telesne groze po Muhi ali pa morda zadnjih minutah Akire. /…/ Rezultat režiserkinega norega eksperimenta je mešanica filmov Odštekani petek in Vse o Evi ter Obsedenosti Andrzeja Żuławskega – film, dovolj preprost, da bi ga razumel otrok, a dovolj ogaben, da bodo bolj občutljivi med gledalci izbruhali kosilo. Tisti z močnim želodcem pa bodo nagrajeni z najbolj odvratno zabavnim filmskim dogodkom leta /…/. Demi Moore še nikoli ni tako tvegala. Le malo sodobnih igralcev njenega kova kdaj je. In ko boste videli, kam jo to tveganje pripelje v popolnoma odpuljenem zadnjem dejanju filma, vam bo čeljust padla na tla – če bo sploh še pritrjena na vaše telo.«

– David Ehrlich, IndieWire

»Substanca Coralie Fargeat je telesna grozljivka s subtilnostjo macole. S svojimi idejami in podobami nas trešči po glavi, tako da se celo bežni trenutki dozdevne lepote, ki jih liki obupano lovijo, spremenijo v nekaj veličastno odvratnega. Toda film je tudi neznansko zabaven, medtem ko se poganja v vse bolj vrtoglave višave in čedalje bolj nezaslišane globine /…/. Eden najbolj absurdnih in neobrzdanih filmov, kar so jih letos prikazali na festivalu [v Cannesu]. Redki so mu sploh prišli blizu.«

– Chase Hutchinson, The Wrap

»Šokantna in pomenljiva, razorožujoče groteskna in čudno zabavna Substanca je feministična telesna grozljivka, ki bi jo morali predvajati v kinematografih širom dežele. /…/ Tudi če vsak dan gledate grozljivke, je Substanca še vedno ena redkih, ki ustvari pravo pošast ; ne le maso iznakaženega mesa, ampak deformacijo duha. To je tisto, kar skrivamo v svoji notranjosti, pravi film. To je tisto, kar počnemo sami sebi.«

– Owen Gleiberman, Variety

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Center za kulturo, šport in prireditve Izola
Kraška 1, 6310 Izola
051 396 283
Location: Kraška 1, 6310 Izola