Distributor: Blitz film & video distribution d.o.o.
Captain America: the Brave new world is the fourth stand-alone Marvelov a movie about a Stotniku the Americas, and is the first film in which the front of the coat takes Sam Wilson (Anthony Mackie), known as the superjunak Hawk.
Steve Rogers handed over his shield to Sam at the end of Avengers: End, who is now facing the challenges of his new role. After meeting newly elected U.S. President Thaddeus Ross (Harrison Ford), Sam finds himself in the middle of an international incident. He is faced with the task of revealing the fundamental reason for the sinister global conspiracy even before the head of the operation forces the whole world to "see red".
Distributer: Blitz film & video distribution d.o.o.
Stotnik Amerika: Pogumni novi svet je četrti samostojni Marvelov film o Stotniku Ameriki in prvi film, v katerem naslovni plašč prevzame Sam Wilson (Anthony Mackie), poznan kot superjunak Sokol.
Steve Rogers je na koncu filma Maščevalci: Zaključek svoj ščit predal Samu, ki se zdaj sooča z izzivi nove vloge. Po srečanju z novo izvoljenim predsednikom ZDA Thaddeusom Rossom (Harrison Ford) se Sam znajde sredi mednarodnega incidenta. Pred njim je naloga, da razkrije temeljni razlog zlovešče globalne zarote, še preden vodja operacije prisili ves svet, da "vidi rdeče".