Nutria events

1984 silver Games in Slovenj Gradec Srebrne igre 1984 v Slovenj Gradcu

culture sport exhibition

The 1984 silver Games exhibition is held at 40. the anniversary of the Winter Olympics in Sarajevo was organized by the Museum of recent and modern history of Slovenia and the Museum of sports, which acts as an organizational unit of the Slovenian School Museum. The exhibition is an interweaving of museum work and research, as well as a presentation of outstanding collectible work carried out by amateur collector Tomaz Alauf.

The exhibition takes us on a nostalgic journey back to 1984, the time of the Winter Olympics hosted by Yugoslavia. In addition to sports results and numerous stories associated with them, the exhibition is able to see the role and involvement of Slovenians in this greatest sporting event. Not only in the role of athletes, sports workers, experts and officials, the Slovenians also took care of the design of sports competitions, the opening and final event ceremony and the design of the official mascot of the Games known to everyone.

Due to space constraints, only part of the temporary exhibition of the 1984 Silver games will be on display at the venue.

The exhibition will be on display at the Carinthian Regional Museum (main square 24, Slovenj Gradec) from 14. February to the end of March 2025.

Razstavo Srebrne igre 1984 sta ob 40. obletnici zimskih olimpijskih iger v Sarajevu pripravila Muzej novejše in sodobne zgodovine Slovenije in Muzej športa, ki deluje kot organizacijska enota Slovenskega šolskega muzeja. Razstava je preplet muzejskega dela in raziskovanja ter predstavitev izjemnega zbirateljskega dela, ki ga je opravil ljubiteljski zbiratelj Tomaž Alauf.

Razstava nas ponese na nostalgično popotovanje v leto 1984, v čas zimskih olimpijskih iger, ki jih je gostila Jugoslavija. Poleg športnih izidov in z njimi povezanih številnih zgodb je na razstavi moč uvideti vlogo in vpetost Slovencev v to največje športno dogajanje. Ne le v vlogi športnikov, športnih delavcev, strokovnjakov in funkcionarjev, Slovenci so poskrbeli tudi za zasnovo športnih tekmovališč, uvodno in končno prireditveno slovesnost in zasnovo uradne maskote iger vsem poznanega Vučka.

Zaradi prostorskih omejitev bo na gostovanju na ogled le del občasne razstave Srebrne igre 1984.

Razstava bo na ogled v Koroškem pokrajinskem muzeju (Glavni trg 24, Slovenj Gradec) od 14. februarja do konca marca 2025.

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Muzej novejše in sodobne zgodovine Slovenije
01 300 96 10
Location: Slovenj Gradec