Someone cannot sleep because of burnout, another is attacked by worries about the collapse of new relationships, the third has a feeling of inferiority due to other people's omissions, the bright one cannot cope with the pace of life. But we all need to stop, feel the moment in the here and now, and let go of the constraint of persuasion.
It has been scientifically proven that meditation reduces stress and regulates stress hormones, increases memory capacity, improves focus and reduces explosive emotions.
Kneipp pillars: water, healthy lifestyle
Date: 29.03.2025 time: 17: 00-18. 10 location: healing Grove Tunjice
Applications and additional information: Tel.: 041785675
Nekdo ne more spati zaradi izgorelosti, drugega napadajo skrbi zaradi propadajo č ih odnosov, tretji ima ob č utek manjvrednosti zaradi dru ž abnih omre ž ij, č etrti ne zmore tempa ž ivljenja. A vsi se moramo ustaviti, za č utiti trenutek tukaj in zdaj ter spustiti omejujo č a prepri č anja.
Znanstveno dokazano je da meditacija zni ž uje stres in uravnava stresne hormone, pove č uje kapaciteto spomina, izbolj š uje osredoto č enost in zmanjšuje eksplozivna č ustva.
Kneippovi stebri: voda, zdrav ž ivljenjski slog
Datum: 29.03.2025 Ura:17:00-18.10 Lokacija: Zdravilni gaj Tunjice
Prijave in dodatne informacije: telefon: 041785675