Reception of the Presern prize winners, a visit to the photographic exhibition of Tonet Stojko "portraits of the Presern prize winners 2025 “and a visit to the exhibition” it is difficult to ignore satires" by the comic artist and illustrator Cyril Horjak in the gallery of the Presern prize winners Kranj.
In accordance with the decision and decisions of the Management Board of the Preserna fund, sculptor Dragica Chadez and theatre director and performer Dragan Zhivadinov receive the Preserna prize for 2025 .
The presern prize is awarded to a creator who has permanently enriched the Slovenian cultural Treasury with his outstanding artistic achievements within the framework of his life's oeuvre.
The 2025 Preserna Fund Awards are presented to artists: visual artist Nika Autor, design collective Grupa EE, musician Tomaz Grom, writer Natasha Kramberger, theatre director Nina Raji / Kranjac and sound designer Juli Zornik .
The award of the Preserna fund is awarded to a creator for top artistic achievements that were presented to the public in the last three years before the award ceremony and represent the enrichment of the Slovenian cultural Treasury.
Sprejem Prešernovih nagrajenk in nagrajencev, ogled fotografske razstave Toneta Stojka “Portreti Prešernovih nagrajencev 2025” ter ogled razstave “Težko je nerisati satire” striparja in ilustratorja Cirila Horjaka v Galeriji Prešernovih nagrajencev Kranj.
V skladu z odločitvijo in s sklepi Upravnega odbora Prešernovega sklada prejmeta Prešernovo nagrado za leto 2025 kiparka Dragica Čadež ter gledališki režiser in performer Dragan Živadinov .
Prešernova nagrada se podeli ustvarjalki oziroma ustvarjalcu, ki je s svojimi vrhunskimi umetniškimi dosežki v okviru svojega življenjskega opusa trajno obogatil slovensko kulturno zakladnico.
Nagrade Prešernovega sklada za leto 2025 prejmejo ustvarjalci in ustvarjalke: vizualna umetnica Nika Autor, oblikovalski kolektiv Grupa Ee, glasbenik Tomaž Grom, pisateljica Nataša Kramberger, gledališka režiserka Nina Rajić Kranjac in oblikovalec zvoka Julij Zornik .
Nagrada Prešernovega sklada se podeli ustvarjalki oziroma ustvarjalcu za vrhunske umetniške dosežke, ki so bili javnosti predstavljeni v zadnjih treh letih pred podelitvijo nagrad in pomenijo obogatitev slovenske kulturne zakladnice.