On Saturday, 8. February, at 9. uri, invited to a traditional hike, get to know the Goce with the surroundings, organized by KS Goce, and SD torrent Goce.
The rally is at 9. hours before you go. The course of the hike is: Goce-Loge - Vipava - Stari Grad-tour of Kebet's House-Goce.
Lunch is from the backpack. Welcome!
V soboto, 8. februarja, ob 9. uri, vabljeni na tradicionalni pohod, Spoznaj Goče z okolico, ki ga organizirata KS Goče, in ŠD Hudournik Goče.
Zbor je ob 9. uri pred PŠ Goče. Potek pohoda pa je: Goče - Lože - Vipava - Stari Grad - ogled Kebetove hiše - Goče.
Malica je iz nahrbtnika. Vabljeni!