2025 is the year of memories of 80. anniversary of the victory over the occupiers, Nazism and fascism.
In Ptuj, the occupier carried out the most serious crimes from January to 7. in May 1945. During these days, we will pay tribute to all the fallen on the occasion of memorials.
City organization ZB Ptuj
- Saturday, 8. in February 2025, at 10. uri will lay a wreath behind the walls in the park of memories Ptuj at the monument to the hostages shot on the 8th. 2. 1945.
- Saturday, 8. in February 2025, at 10. 30 we will pay tribute with flowers to the 10 actors of the Ptuj theater who fell into the NOB.
Branka Bezeljak, president of ZB for values NOB Ptuj
Leto 2025 je leto spominov na 80. obletnico zmage nad okupatorji, nacizmom in fašizmom.
Na Ptujskem je okupator izvajal najhujše zločine od januarja do 7. maja 1945. V teh dneh se bomo poklonili vsem padlim ob spominskih obeležjih.
Mestna organizacija ZB Ptuj
- v soboto, 8. februarja 2025, ob 10. uri bo za obzidjem v Parku spominov Ptuj položila venec pri spomeniku talcem, ustreljenim 8. 2. 1945.
- v soboto, 8. februarja 2025, ob 10. 30 se bomo s cvetjem poklonili 10 igralcem ptujskega gledališča, ki so padli v NOB.
Branka Bezeljak, predsednica ZB za vrednote NOB Ptuj