Nutria events

Snezhana Premus: Touch Tissue Fabric Snježana Premuš: Dotik Tkivo Tkanina


Snjezana Premus and Anja Bornsek are well-known and reference players in the field of contemporary dance in Ljubljana, Maribor, Slovenia and across the border. With his formal education and many years of experience in both contemporary dance and Somatics, they represent an important basis for the development of dance Somatics.

In the Dance Project" touch tissue fabric "they delve into the very nature of communication, which they understand as" action – dialogue "and"situation – meeting". Therefore, they cannot avoid the issue of “touch”, through which the primary attitude to the world is built. "Touch" (in a broad sense) therefore exists as a bridge over which the Coordination of two or more bodies takes place. This is not a purposeful unambiguous harmonization with a tendency to similarity, but a qualitative harmonization of living, diverse bodies, spaces. The encounters and dialogues (stage moments) that create these spaces and are conditioned by touch – not only in the literal sense, but touch is also contact, tact, desire for contact – bring with them desires, comings and goings, associations, memories and reaching for the unknown.

The dance performance in the form of an installation has a 45-minute frame. Visitors can devote their time to transitioning between different media in a multi-faceted space: visual/haptic, acoustic/written, intangible/perceived, material/transient, intimate / shared.

The white floor and the translucent gigantic white tarpaulin under the ceiling of the hall form a symmetrical Square venue-the courtyard, that is, a place of meeting and all that this represents: surprise, discomfort and comfort, that is, everything that carries the potential for a new, modified sketch of our interior landscape and manifests itself in a new way.

Erika Sheshek,, spatial-choreographic sketches

Co-authors and performers: Snjezana Premus and Anja Bornsek

Artistic direction: Snjezana Premus

Music By Ida Hirshenfelder

Light Stage Design: Spela Shkulj

Video: Domen Marusic

Costume Design: Jelena Pirkmajer Clich /

Production of the scene: Martin Podrzavnik

Design: Sonia Pust

Photo: Marcandrea

Public relations: Urska Comino

Producer: Barbara Zonta

Production: Zavod Federacija Ljubljana

Co-production: Nagib, MA Institute

Partners: Bunker Ljubljana, Puppet Theatre Maribor

The project was co-financed by the Ministry of culture of the Republic of Slovenia, the municipality of Ljubljana and the municipality of Maribor

Snježana Premuš in Anja Bornšek sta dobro poznani in referenčni akterki na področju sodobnega plesa v Ljubljani, Mariboru, Sloveniji in čez mejo. S svojo formalno izobrazbo in dolgoletnimi izkušnjami tako v sodobnem plesu, kot v somatiki predstavljata pomembno podstat za razvoj plesne somatike.

V plesnem projektu »Dotik Tkivo Tkanina« se poglobita v samo naravo komunikacije, ki jo razumeta kot “akcijo – dialog” in “situacijo – srečanje”. Zato se ne moreta izogniti vprašanju “dotika”, skozi katerega se gradi primaren odnos do sveta. »Dotik« (v širšem smislu) torej obstaja kot most, preko katerega poteka usklajevanje dveh ali več teles. Ne gre za namensko enoznačno usklajevanje s težnjo po podobnosti, temveč za kvalitativno usklajevanje živih, raznolikih teles, prostorov. Srečanja in dialogi (odrski trenutki), ki ustvarjajo te prostore in so pogojeni z dotikom – ne le v dobesednem pomenu, ampak dotik je tudi stik, takt, želja po stiku – prinašajo s seboj želje, prihajanja in odhajanja, asociacije, spomine in poseganje po neznanem.

Plesna predstava obliki instalacije ima 45-minutni okvir. Obiskovalci lahko svoj čas posvetijo prehajanju med različnimi mediji v večplastnemu prostoru: vizualno/haptično, akustično/pisano, neotipljivo/zaznano, materialno/prehodno, intimno/skupno.

Bela tla in prosojna gigantska bela ponjava pod stropom dvorane tvorita simetrično kvadratno prizorišče-dvorišče, torej prostor srečevanja in vsega, kar to predstavlja: presenečenja, nelagodja in ugodja, torej vsega, kar nosi potencial za novo, spremenjeno skico naše notranje krajine in se manifestira na nov način.

Erika Šešek,, Prostorsko – koreografske skice

So-avtorici in izvajalki: Snježana Premuš in Anja Bornšek

Umetniško vodstvo: Snježana Premuš

Glasba: Ida Hiršenfelder

Svetlobno scensko oblikovanje: Špela Škulj

Video: Domen Marušič

Kostumografija: Jelena Pirkmajer Cliché

Izdelava scene: Martin Podrzavnik

Oblikovanje: Sonia Pust

Fotografija: Marcandrea

Odnosi z javnostjo: Urška Comino

Producentka: Barbara Zonta

Produkcija: Zavod Federacija Ljubljana

Koprodukcija: Nagib, Inštitut MA

Partnerji: Bunker Ljubljana, Lutkovno gledališče Maribor

Projekt je sofinanciralo Ministrstvo za Kulturo RS, Mestna občina Ljubljana in Mestna občina Maribor

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana
Slomškova 18, 1000 Ljubljana
00 386 51 269 906
Location: Stara mestna elektrarna, Ljubljana