"Mirror, Mirror, on the wall, tell me which one is the most beautiful in the country."
Snow White, Disne's first princess, is back on the big screen! The beautiful girl Snow White takes refuge in the forest in the House of the Seven Dwarfs from her stepmother, The Evil Queen. The Queen is jealous because she wants to be known as "the most beautiful in the land", and Snow White surpasses her in beauty.
"Zrcalce, zrcalce, na steni, povej, katera najlepša v deželi je tej …"
Sneguljčica, prva Disneyjeva princesa, se vrača na velika filmska platna! Lepa deklica Sneguljčica se pred mačeho, zlobno kraljico, zateče v gozd v hišo sedmih palčkov. Kraljica je ljubosumna, ker želi biti znana kot "najlepša v deželi", Sneguljčica pa jo po lepoti prekaša.