Mirica Rebersek, obcina@prebold.si, +386 (0)3 703 64 00.
Did you know?
1 minute of laughter is equivalent to 10 minutes on fitness machines of running or rowing!
Laughter generates hormones of happiness – endorphins – and instantly fills us with feelings of happiness.
While laughing, our body experiences a natural massage, rejuvenates and strengthens the immune system!
Laughter increases our concentration, efficiency and creativity, while reducing stress.
This is why we invite you to a unique experience: laughter yoga with Romano Strazek.
It is an exercise where laughter becomes your super power, transforming tensions into lightness, bringing relaxation and strengthening connection with others.
When: Thursday, 23. January 2025, at 19.00
Where: Intergenerational Center Prebold, Dolenja vas 53
Laughter is one of the most beneficial expressions of body and mind – it connects, soothes, liberates! In this workshop, through light exercises of laughter and breathing together, we will make sure that you enter the New Year light, relaxed and full of inspiration.
Come in comfortable clothes, and be prepared for an abundance of good mood.
Admission is free! Applications desired!
Laughter is a medicine for the body and soul. Let laughter become your most beautiful journey into the New Year!
For more information and registration, call 031 722 201, write to mcp@prebold.si , or drop by the center.
Mirica Reberšek, obcina@prebold.si, +386 (0)3 703 64 00.
Ali ste vedeli?
1 minuta smeha je enakovredna 10 minutam na fitnes napravah teka ali veslanja!
Smeh ustvarja hormone sreče – endorfine – in v trenutku nas napolni z občutki sreče.
Med smehom naše telo doživi naravno masažo, pomladi se in okrepi imunski sistem!
Smeh povečuje našo zbranost, učinkovitost in kreativnost, hkrati pa zmanjšuje stres.
Prav zato vas vabimo na edinstveno izkušnjo: jogo smeha z Romano Strašek.
To je vadba, kjer smeh postane vaša super moč, ki preobrazi napetosti v lahkotnost, prinese sprostitev in krepi povezanost z drugimi.
Kdaj: Četrtek, 23. januar 2025, ob 19.00
Kje: Medgeneracijski center Prebold, Dolenja vas 53
Smeh je eden najbolj blagodejnih izrazov telesa in duha – povezuje, pomirja, osvobaja! Na tej delavnici bomo skozi lahkotne vaje smeha in dihanja skupaj poskrbeli, da vstopite v novo leto lahkotni, sproščeni in polni navdiha.
Pridite v udobnih oblačilih, in bodite pripravljeni na obilico dobre volje.
Vstop je prost! Prijave zaželene!
Smeh je zdravilo za dušo in telo. Naj smeh postane vaša najlepša popotnica v novo leto!
Za več informacij in prijave pokličite 031 722 201, pišite na mcp@prebold.si , ali pa se oglasite na centru.