The keynote speaker will be ANA MARAZH, illustrator. The Program is designed by Peter Avbar. The program includes mpz Sotko Kosovel and theatre interpreter Primoz Forte with the project of Harmony, Polona Kunaver liken and Oskar liken, students of Secondary Schools Taira Shtokelj, Ariana Vizintin, Stela Balut and Mei Pregelj.
Slavnostna govornica bo ANA MARAŽ, ilustratorka. Program oblikuje Peter Avbar. V programu sodelujejo MPZ Srečko Kosovel in gledališki interpret Primož Forte s projektom Sozvočja, Polona Kunaver Ličen in Oskar Ličen, dijaki srednjih šol Tajra Štokelj, Ariana Vižintin, Stela Balut in Mei Pregelj.