Nutria events

Slovenian Youth Theatre: ragged stories Slovensko mladinsko gledališče: Razcufane zgodbe

theatre children

You are cordially invited to the children's performance of the Slovenian Youth Theatre, entitled Razkufane stories, which will take place on the 11th. in December 2024, at 9.00 am at the Lendava theater and concert hall.


Lina Akif

Dasha Dobersek

Blaz Boss

Stane Tomazin

Pantaloons (Luka Belic / Gal Grobovsek, Aljaz Markezic, David Nik Lipovac)


Dramaturgy: Spela Frlic

Music: Pantaloons

Set and costume design: Vasilija Fisher

Headgear design: Alja dryer

Design of light: Matjaz Brisar

Sound design: Marijan Sajovic

Editor: Mateja Dermelj

Show manager and producer: Jera Topolovec


A caravan is coming into the city, right between us. We don't know where it comes from or where it goes. But we know that just as carefully as other caravans load the most valuable goods – saffron, salt, tea or chocolate – our searches and cargoes stories. And on his way he finds such for all occasions and needs: a story for a good start, a story that warms you up, a story that comforts you, an exciting story, a story that fulfills desires, a scary story, a story that seeks and ultimately finds a happy and just ending. Four narrators and three lively musicians all around contact behind the stories and weave sounds, images, objects, the audience into the narrative; to get into the story, the whole world is available to them and to us.

You are cordially invited to watch the show.

Vljudno vabljeni na otroško predstavo Slovenskega mladinskega gledališča, z naslovom Razcufane zgodbe, ki bo 11. decembra 2024, ob 9.00 uri v Gledališki in koncertni dvorani Lendava.


Lina Akif

Daša Doberšek

Blaž Šef

Stane Tomazin

Pantaloons (Luka Belič/Gal Grobovšek, Aljaž Markežič, David Nik Lipovac)


Dramaturgija: Špela Frlic

Glasba: Pantaloons

Scenografija in kostumografija: Vasilija Fišer

Oblikovanje pokrival: Alja Sušnik

Oblikovanje svetlobe: Matjaž Brišar

Oblikovanje zvoka: Marijan Sajovic

Lektorica: Mateja Dermelj

Vodja predstave in producentka: Jera Topolovec


V mesto, naravnost med nas, prihaja karavana. Ne vemo, od kod prihaja in kam gre. Vemo pa, da prav tako skrbno, kot druge karavane tovorijo najdragocenejše blago – žafran, sol, čaj ali čokolado –, naša išče in tovori zgodbe. In na svoji poti najde take za vse priložnosti in potrebe: zgodbo za dober začetek, zgodbo, ki te pogreje, zgodbo, ki te potolaži, razburljivo zgodbo, zgodbo, ki izpolnjuje želje, strašljivo zgodbo, zgodbo, ki išče in na koncu najde srečen in pravičen konec. Štirje pripovedovalci in trije živahni glasbeniki vsepovsod stikajo za zgodbami in v pripovedi vpletajo zvoke, slike, predmete, občinstvo; da se znajde v zgodbi, je njim in nam vendar na voljo ves svet.

Vljudno vabljeni na ogled predstave.

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Knjižnica – Kulturni center Lendava
Location: Gledališka in koncertna dvorana Lendava, 9220 Lendava/Lendva