Nutria events

Gadi Group Skupina Gadi


Who doesn't know the popular and popular male band Gadi?

The male trio band is known for quite a few musical "hits" that spin on radios and festivities. The beginnings of the group date back to 2005, and the guys are the recipients of several awards. To date, they have released four albums, and in total, the band has already released more than 50 tracks and at least half as many videos. They themselves, in addition to their compositions, regularly create for other artists. Are you ready for an evening full of famous tunes? Meet me at the Gadi band concert!

Cast: Anzha Zavrl, David Novak, Primoz Ilovar

Kindly invited!

Information and ticket reservations: TIC Lasko, 03 733 89 50,, 03 733 89 35.

Duration: 1 hour and 30 minutes



Le kdo ne pozna hudomušne in popularne moške zasedbe Gadi?

Moška trio zasedba je poznana po kar nekaj glasbenih »hitih«, ki se vrtijo na radijih in veselicah. Začetki skupine segajo v leto 2005, fantje pa so prejemniki večih nagrad. Vse do danes so izdali že štiri albume, skupno pa je zasedba izdala že več kot 50 skladb in vsaj pol toliko videospotov. Sami poleg svojih skladb redno ustvarjajo tudi za druge izvajalce. Ste pripravljeni na večer poln znanih napevov? Se dobimo na koncertu Skupine Gadi!

Zasedba: Anže Zavrl, David Novak, Primož Ilovar

Vljudno vabljeni!

Informacije in rezervacije vstopnic: TIC Laško, 03 733 89 50,, 03 733 89 35.

Trajanje: 1 ura in 30 minut



Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
TIC Laško
+386 3 733 89 50
Mobile Phone:
+386 51 305 466
Location: Kulturni center Laško, Laško