December is fast approaching and an unforgettable holiday experience awaits you in the municipality of Skofljica this year!
Again this year you will enjoy skating on the magical ice rink , which will be under the big tent and look forward to all the events that this festive month brings.
There will be no shortage of interesting stalls, gourmet delights, good entertainment to the sound of the most popular musicians, who will take us with music late into the night, especially on Saturdays.
A more detailed program can be found here .
December se hitro bliža in v Občini Škofljica vas letos čaka nepozabna praznična izkušnja!
Tudi letos boste uživali v drsanju na čarobnem drsališču , ki bo pod velikim šotorom ter se veselili vseh dogodkov, ki jih prinaša ta praznični mesec.
Manjkalo ne bo obilo zanimivih stojnic, gurmanskih užitkov, dobre zabave ob zvokih najbolj popularnih glasbenikov, ki nas bodo predvsem ob sobotah z glasbo popeljali pozno v noč.
Podrobnejši program najdete tukaj .