You are cordially invited to the new year's Eve, which will be held this year at The Village Center in Starje as part of the skating rink! The Galama Ensemble will take us to the New Year!
When: 31.12.2024 from 17.00
Where: Skating Rink Parents
Exceptionally, the skating rink will also operate on this day from 17.00 to 01.00 hours.
See you all together in the New Year!
Vljudno vabljeni na Silvestrovanje, ki bo letos na vaškem središču v Staršah v sklopu drsališča! V novo leto nas bo popeljal Ansambel Galama!
Kdaj: 31.12.2024 od 17.00 ure naprej
Kje: Drsališče Starše
Izjemoma bo ta dan obratovalo tudi drsališče in sicer od 17.00 do 01.00 ure.
Se vidimo, da skupaj zakorakamo v Novo leto!