Nutria events

Sisters in the sauna (documentary) (film subscription SESTRE V SAVNI (dokumentarec) (filmski abonma)


In the Estonian countryside, a group of women meet in a smoke sauna by a lake in the middle of a grove over the course of the year. Together they sweat, bathe and tell each other about life, about beautiful, funny, painful and traumatic experiences. With the help of an ancient ritual and a sense of community, they wash away pain, fear and shame from their bodies.

Directed and written by Anna Hints

Cast: Kadi Kivilo, Marianne Liiv, Maria Meresaar, Elsa Saks, Eva K Animtbar

Duration: 89 minutes

Na estonskem podeželju se v dimni savni ob jezeru sredi gozdiča v teku leta srečuje skupina žensk. Skupaj se potijo, kopajo in si pripovedujejo o življenju, o lepih, smešnih, bolečih in travmatičnih izkušnjah. S pomočjo starodavnega obredja in občutka skupnosti iz svojih teles izpirajo bolečino, strah in sram.

Režija in scenarij: Anna Hints

Igrajo: Kadi Kivilo, Marianne Liiv, Maria Meresaar, Elsa Saks, Eva Kübar

Trajanje: 89 minut

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Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
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