Nutria events

Salon with a view: Selma Asoti / video Salon z razgledom: Selma Asotić


Selma Asoti is an American poet from Sarajevo, one of the strongest lyrical voices of contemporary literature from the former Yugoslavia. He teaches in the comparative literature department of the University of Massachusetts. Her writing is bilingual, and she has received various scholarships, nominations and awards for it: such as the Robert Pinski scholarship and other awards at the Brett Elizabeth Jenkins Poetr Entertainment Prize, she was nominated for The Pushcart Prize, and she is also the winner of the Stjepan Gulin prize, among others.

In addition to its outstanding written expressiveness, it is also distinguished by its live reading, with which it will be presented at this evening. She reflects on feminist themes, on the relationships between cultural centers and the periphery and many other current problems, which is why we promise a rich poetic-intellectual experience.

Selma Asotić je v ZDA živeča pesnica iz Sarajeva, ki sodi med najmočnejše lirične glasove sodobne književnosti s prostorov nekdanje Jugoslavije. Poučuje na oddelku za primerjalno književnost Univerze v Massachusettsu. Njeno pisanje je dvojezično, zanj pa je prejela različne štipendije, nominacije in nagrade: denimo štipendijo Roberta Pinskega in druge nagrade na natečaju Brett Elizabeth Jenkins Poetry Prize, nominirana je bila za nagrado Pushcart, med drugimi pa je tudi dobitnica nagrade Stjepana Gulina.

Poleg izjemne pisne izraznosti se odlikuje tudi po branju v živo, s kakršnim se bo predstavila na tokratnem večeru. Premišljuje o feminističnih temah, o razmerjih med kulturnimi centri in periferijo ter veliko drugih aktualnih problemih, zato si obetamo bogato pesniško-intelektualno doživetje.

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Cankarjev Dom
Saša Globačnik
01 2417 127
Mobile Phone:
041 645 073
Location: Dvorana Alme Karlin, Cankarjev Dom, Ljubljana