Nutria events

S5 to the exhibition, The Annual Exhibition Of The Association of fine artists Tolmin S5 NA RAZSTAVO, letna razstava Društva likovnih ustvarjalcev Tolmin

culture exhibition

5 different sets of paintings namely figure, abstraction, landscape, veduta and still life. Academic painter Jana Dolenc will walk through the sets of paintings and present each painting separately. During the pauses, there will be four musical points performed by accordionist Lara Fortunat and Asja Poljak on flute.

5 različnih sklopov slik in sicer figura, abstrakcija, krajina, veduta in tihožitje. Akademska slikarka Jana Dolenc se bo sprehodila po sklopih slik in predstavila vsako sliko posebej. Med pavzami bodo štiri glasbene točke v izvedbi harmonikarke Lare Fortunat in Asje Poljak na flavti.

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Zavod za kulturo, šport in mladino Občine Tolmin
Dijaška ulica 12c, 5220 Tolmin
Matjaž Žbogar
(05) 38 11 683
Mobile Phone:
041 625 803
Location: Tolmin, Kinogledališče (galerija)