Nutria events

Running CLUB communit Running CLUB Community


Whether you are an experienced runner or a complete beginner – you are welcome here! Come, enjoy and become part of our super running community.

In total, we will run 5 km, without pressure, without starting numbers and without timing. If that's not enough for you, you can look at this 5 km run as a warm-up circuit where you branch off. After the run, the best part follows and that is socializing over coffee and a sweet reward.

Because every runner knows that regeneration is important!

When? Sunday, 9. 2. 9: 00

Where? Parking lot Lent at Hotel CIT /

Ne glede na to, ali si izkušen tekač ali popolni začetnik – pri nas si dobrodošel/a! Pridi, uživaj in postani del naše super tekaške skupnosti.

Skupaj bomo pretekli 5 km, brez pritiska, brez štartnih številk in brez merjenja časa. Če ti je to premalo, lahko na ta 5 km tek gledaš kot na ogrevalni krog, kjer se podružiš. Po teku sledi najboljši del in to je druženje ob kavi in sladki nagradi.

Ker vsak tekač ve, da je regeneracija pomembna!

Kdaj? Nedelja, 9. 2. ob 9:00

Kje? Parkirišče Lent pri Hotelu City

Additional links:
Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Running CLUB Community
040 751 794
Location: Parkirišče Lent, Maribor, Maribor