We invite you to join us for an evening of tarot and board games, every first Thursday of the month. In February, the cards are thrown and we play on Thursday, 6. 2. 2025, at 18. uri.
The games that will be available are Risk, Descend, become a partisan, classic board games, Tarok, Cards Against Humanitac and others, and you can also bring your own game!
In order to facilitate the organization and implementation, we ask you to register earlier via our FB profile or email kulturnicenterq@gmail.com (just a name/nickname is enough).
Design: URSA Chuk (Rastrlab)
In addition to its own contribution, the programme of the Cultural Centre of the city of Ljubljana is supported by the Office for youth of the city of Ljubljana, the Office of the Republic of Slovenia for youth and JAK.
Vabimo te, da se nam pridružiš na večeru taroka in družabnih iger, vsak prvi četrtek v mesecu. Februarja karte vržemo in se igramo v četrtek, 6. 2. 2025, ob 18. uri.
Igre ki bodo na voljo so Risk, Descend, Postani partizan, klasične namizne igre, Tarok, Cards Against Humanity in druge, prineseš pa lahko tudi svojo igro!
Zaradi lažje organizacije in izvedbe te prosimo, da se prej prijaviš preko našega FB profila ali maila kulturnicenterq@gmail.com (dovolj je le ime/vzdevek).
Oblikovanje: Urša Čuk (Rastrlab)
Program Kulturnega centra Q poleg lastnega vložka podpirajo Urad za mladino Mestne občine Ljubljana, Urad Republike Slovenije za mladino in JAK.