Zptm Brezice, e-mail
info@visitbrezice.si, GSM
080 34 24.
We invite you to an experience in the heart of Brezice, where history and romance will be intertwined into an unforgettable experience. We will walk along the path of love through the Old Town, discover hidden corners and stories written by time. The highlight of the evening will be a sweet pampering with a selected dessert and sparkling wine at the top of the water tower, from where we will admire the magical sunset over the city together.
16.30-walk through the Old Town of Brezice-along the path of love
17.00-dessert and sparkling wine at the top of the water tower at sunset
Price: 20 pieces for a couple (purchase is possible in the Info point of the Youth Center Brezice)
Mandatory reservations: info@visitbrezice.si or 080 34 24
Zptm Brežice, e-mail
info@visitbrezice.si, GSM
080 34 24.
Vabimo vas na doživetje v srcu Brežic, kjer se bosta zgodovina in romantika prepletli v nepozabno izkušnjo. Sprehodili se bomo po poti ljubezni skozi staro mestno jedro, odkrivali skrite kotičke in zgodbe, ki jih piše čas. Vrhunec večera bo sladko razvajanje z izbrano sladico in penino na vrhu Vodovodnega stolpa, od koder bomo skupaj občudovali čarobni sončni zahod nad mestom.
16.30 – Sprehod skozi staro mestno jedro Brežic – Po poti ljubezni
17.00 – Sladica in penina na vrhu Vodovodnega stolpa ob sončnem zahodu
Cena: 20€ za par (nakup je možen v Info točki Mladinskega centra Brežice)
OBVEZNE REZERVACIJE: info@visitbrezice.si ali 080 34 24