Nutria events

Carving master Maks Bergant and Plecnik: first guided tour of the exhibition with Dr. Miklavz Komelj Rezbarski mojster Maks Bergant in Plečnik: prvo vodstvo po razstavi z dr. Miklavžem Komeljem

lecture exhibition

On a cultural holiday, 8. February, we invite you to the first guided tour of the exhibition 'carving master Maks Bergant and Plecnik: the charm of wood'. After the exhibition we will walk with art historian Dr. Miklavz Komelj.

Na kulturni praznik, 8. februar, vas vabimo na prvo vodstvo po razstavi 'Rezbarski mojster Maks Bergant in Plečnik: čar lesa'. Po razstavi se bomo sprehodili z umetnostnim zgodovinarjem dr. Miklavžem Komeljem.

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Muzej in galerije mesta Ljubljane
Gosposka 15, 1000 Ljubljana
01 24 12 500
Location: Plečnikova hiša