Nutria events



Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol

Directed By Ira Ratej

Author: Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol

Director, author of the stage adaptation of the text and see. opr. by Ira Ratej

Dramaturg: Eva Jagodic

Set Designer: Barbara Matul Kalamar

Costume Designer: Katja Komljanec Koritnik

Assistant costume designer: Bojan Vister

Choreographer: Tinkara Vrbinc Burna /

Proofreader: Renato Horvat

Premiere: 8. april 2023, St. James stage. (For the first time on the stage.)

The performance lasts 1 hour and 45 minutes and has no break.

Best performance by jury at 20. pekre Comedy Festival 2024; 24. 3. 2024


Anton Antonovich Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky, Mayor: Gregor Usenik

Anna Andreyevna, his wife: Lili Bacer Kermavner

Marya Antonovna, their daughter: Masha the bear

Natasha Lukicheva, school principal: Katja Fajdiga

Amos Fyodorovich Lyapkin-Tyapkin, judge: Gasper Pavc

Dunya Filipovna, director of the hospital: Lenka Kombia

Ivan Kuzmich Speculin, postmaster: Janez Usenik

Ivan Aleksandrovich Khlestakov, official: Elias Rudolf

Osip, his assistant: Tomaz Urgl

Stepan Ilyich Uhovjortov, Police Chief: Tone Bertoncelj

Misha, housekeeper at the mayor: Tinkara Vrbinc Burna /

Other contributors:

Show managers and props: Zdenka Muha and Miha Vlaj | lighting design and lighting technician: Gregor t Animatrner | sound technician: Miha Vlaj | stage technicians: Ivan Kostanjevec, Gregor t Animatrner, Miha Vlaj | production of scene and stage props: Marko Vojvoda , Ivan Kostanjevec, Gregor t Animatrner, Barbara Matul Kalamar, Nika Dermastja and Sasha Strnad | production and processing of costumes: Katja Komljanec Koritnik and Bojan vister | design of masks and hairstyles: Icognito design | masks: Incognito design , Nika Dermastja, Rina groselj, Helena Hafner, Lora Burzi|, Anja Borstnar, Janja Zhibert / wardrobe: Bojan vister and Marko Skok

About the show:

Ira Ratej has already directed very successfully at the St. Jacob's theater. Her direction of the dramatic text by Reginald Rosa Twelve Angry Men was in 2018 the most successful production on the Slovenian amateur stage and a hit of the theater, which at the Linhart meeting in 2019 received Matic for best performance, and actor Bojan Vister received Matic for the male role. So it was time to invite her to participate again. The comedy The Auditor, which has not been staged by our theater so far, is one of the central works of Russian drama of the era of realism. Auditor N. V. Gogol still remains a witty, harsh and unforgiving satire with criticism of the petty bourgeoisie and bureaucracy. The community of people and their mentality in the stuffy city where they reside is in anticipation of an auditor who is supposed to sweep away corruption and human depravity. He is vain, haughty, inclined to enjoy himself, whether he is a real auditor or a fictitious auditor; the townspeople, realizing their error, prepare a triumphant pir, and the merriment transcends the limits of the comprehensible real and honest life. With a satirical and comedic sharpness, the play will surely win the approval of the audience, because parallels with US, society and political culture remain.

Link to the theater sheet.

Nikolaj Vasiljevič Gogolj

Režija: Ira Ratej

Avtor: Nikolaj Vasiljevič Gogolj

Režiserka, avtorica odrske priredbe besedila in gl. opr. uprizoritve: Ira Ratej

Dramaturginja: Eva Jagodic

Scenografijna: Barbara Matul Kalamar

Kostumografinja: Katja Komljanec Koritnik

Asistent kostumografinje: Bojan Vister

Koreografinja: Tinkara Vrbinc Burnać

Lektor: Renato Horvat

Premiera: 8. april 2023, Šentjakobski oder. (Prvič na šentjakobskem odru.)

Predstava traja 1 uro in 45 minut in nima odmora.

NAJBOLJŠA PREDSTAVA po izboru žirije na 20. festivalu komedije Pekre 2024; 24. 3. 2024


Anton Antonovič Skvoznik-Dmuhanovski, župan: Gregor Usenik

Ana Andrejevna, njegova žena: Lili Bačer Kermavner

Marja Antonovna, njuna hči: Maša Medved

Nataša Lukičeva, ravnateljica šole: Katja Fajdiga

Amos Fjodorovič Ljapkin-Tjapkin, sodnik: Gašper Pavc

Dunja Filipovna, direktorica bolnišnice: Lenka Kombia

Ivan Kuzmič Špekin, upravnik pošte: Janez Usenik

Ivan Aleksandrovič Hlestakov, uradnik: Elias Rudolf

Osip, njegov asistent: Tomaž Urgl

Stepan Iljič Uhovjortov, šef policije: Tone Bertoncelj

Miša, gospodinjska pomočnica pri županu: Tinkara Vrbinc Burnać

Drugi sodelavci:

Vodji predstave in rekviziterja: Zdenka Muha in Miha Vlaj | Oblikovanje luči in lučni tehnik: Gregor Törner | Tonski tehnik: Miha Vlaj | Scenski tehniki: Ivan Kostanjevec, Gregor Törner, Miha Vlaj | Izdelava scene in scenskih rekvizitov: Marko Vojvoda , Ivan Kostanjevec, Gregor Törner, Barbara Matul Kalamar, Nika Dermastja in Saša Strnad | Izdelava in predelava kostumov: Katja Komljanec Koritnik in Bojan Vister | Oblikovanje maske in frizur: Icognito Design | Maskerke: Incognito Design , Nika Dermastja, Rina Grošelj, Helena Hafner, Lora Burzić, Anja Borštnar, Janja Žibert | Garderoberja: Bojan Vister in Marko Skok

O predstavi:

Ira Ratej je že zelo uspešno režirala v Šentjakobskem gledališču. Njena režija dramskega besedila Reginalda Rosa Dvanajst jeznih mož je bila leta 2018 najuspešnejša uprizoritev na slovenskih ljubiteljskih odrih in uspešnica gledališča, ki je na Linhartovem srečanju leta 2019 prejela matička za najboljšo predstavo, igralec Bojan Vister pa matička za moško vlogo. Zato je bil čas, da jo znova povabimo k sodelovanju. Komedija Revizor, ki je naše gledališče doslej še ni uprizorilo, je eno osrednjih del ruske dramatike iz obdobja realizma. Revizor N. V. Gogolja še vedno ostaja duhovita, ostra in neprizanesljiva satira s kritiko malomeščanstva in birokracije. Skupnost ljudi in njihova miselnost v zatohlem mestu, kjer prebivajo, je v pričakovanju revizorja, ki naj bi pometel s korupcijo in človeško pokvarjenostjo. Je nečimrn, puhloglav, nagnjen k uživanju, pa če je pravi ali izmišljeni revizor; meščani ob spoznanju svoje zmote pripravijo zmagoslaven pir, rajanje pa preseže meje doumljivega realnega in poštenega življenja. S satirično in komedijsko ostrino bo igra zagotovo požela odobravanje občinstva, ker vzporednice z nami, družbo in politično kulturo ostajajo.

Povezava do gledališkega lista.

Additional links:
Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Šentjakobsko gledališče Ljubljana
Krekov trg 2, 1000 Ljubljana
01/ 23 12 860
Mobile Phone:
031/ 225 230
Location: Šentjakobsko gledališče Ljubljana