Nutria events

RELIK Trbovlje: final exhibition 2024 and exhibition of graphics of the participants of the graphic course 2024 RELIK Trbovlje: Zaključna razstava 2024 in razstava grafik udeležencev grafičnega tečaja 2024

culture exhibition

You are invited to the opening of the exhibition of the Association of district painters relic on Tuesday, 17. December, at 18. uri .

The exhibition will be on display until 5. January on Thursdays from 17. to 18. hours and from Friday to Sunday from 16. to 19. hours.

About the exhibition:

The year 2024 ends in the gallery of Delavsko Dom Trbovlje with the traditional annual exhibition of the Association of District Artists RELIK Trbovlje. Members will present the works they have created this year. You will once again be able to see where the creative streak of our Trbovlje compatriots reaches, who devote a large part of their free time to art.

Vabljeni na odprtje razstave Društva revirskih likovnikov RELIK v torek, 17. decembra, ob 18. uri .

Razstava bo na ogled do 5. januarja ob četrtkih od 17. do 18. ure in od petka do nedelje od 16. do 19. ure.

O razstavi:

Leto 2024 se v galeriji Delavskega doma Trbovlje zaključuje s tradicionalno letno razstavo Društva revirskih likovnikov RELIK Trbovlje. Članice in člani bodo predstavili dela, ki so jih ustvarili v letošnjem letu. Ponovno se boste lahko prepričali, do kam seže ustvarjalna žilica naših trboveljskih rojakov, ki umetnosti posvečajo velik del svojega prostega časa.

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Location: Delavski dom Trbovlje