It will be on the Castle Square at 12. in honor of the Slovenian cultural holiday, the poetry of the greatest Slovenian poet, performed by the actors of the Association of dramatic artists of Slovenia, sounded.
At the same time, the poetry of preseren will resonate in several Slovenian cities. Members of the Association of dramatic artists will also present poetry recitals at Ljubljana's Preseren Square and Bevk Square in Nova Gorica. The Ljubljana recital will be broadcast by Radio Slovenija - Ars programme and TV Slovenija 1.
The event is organized by the Association of dramatic artists of Slovenia and the City District of center Maribor.
Na Grajskem trgu bo ob 12. uri v počastitev slovenskega kulturnega praznika zazvenela poezija največjega slovenskega pesnika v izvedbi igralcev Združenja dramskih umetnikov Slovenije.
Prešernova poezija bo istočasno odzvanjala v več slovenskih mestih. Članice in člani Združenja dramskih umetnikov se bodo z recitalom poezije poklonili tudi na ljubljanskem Prešernovem trgu in na Bevkovem trgu v Novi Gorici. Ljubljanski recital bosta prenašala Radio Slovenija – Program Ars in TV Slovenija 1.
Dogodek organizirata Združenje dramskih umetnikov Slovenije in Mestna četrt Center Maribor.