The Idrija City Library and Reading Room invites you to
opening of the photo exhibition Janez KOROSHIN
Wednesday, 15. in January 2025, at 18. watch the magazine Gallery.
Janez Koroshin, master of photography, on the occasion of his Jubilee, 90th anniversary, decided to exhibit exclusively color photographs in the Magazin Gallery of the Idrija City Library and reading room and to present himself with a wider selection of works that he exhibited in the gallery of the Institute "Jozef Stefan" in Ljubljana (7. 10.‒7. 11. 2024). He wanted his exhibition from the Solt gallery (9. 7.‒7. 9.2024) supplement, expand and upgrade with other color photographs that he has never exhibited before. His photographic colleague from the Ljubljana Photo Club Barbara Greguric Silic and art historian Nusa Podgornik selected shots from his archive of colour films and slides that related to the theme of the exhibition in Solt ‒ the collapse of the agglomeration (Ironworks Jesenice). They focused on the motifs of abandoned and dilapidated buildings and structures ‒ the abitanti photographic cycle, 2001 ‒ as well as nature in its extreme expressions, such as a "ruined" stone block in a quarry, in front of which grew a bush of tiny white flowers.
The exhibition will be on display up to and including 5. in February 2025 during the opening of the library.
Mestna knjižnica in čitalnica Idrija vas vabi na
odprtje fotografske razstave JANEZA KOROŠINA
v sredo, 15. januarja 2025, ob 18. uri v Galerijo Magazin.
Janez Korošin, mojster fotografije, se je ob svojem jubileju, 90-letnici, odločil, da v Galeriji Magazin Mestne knjižnice in čitalnice Idrija razstavi izključno barvne fotografije in se predstavi s širšim izborom del, ki jih je razstavil v galeriji Instituta ''Jožef Stefan'' v Ljubljani (7. 10.‒7. 11. 2024). Želel je, da se njegova razstava iz galerije Šolt (9. 7.‒7. 9.2024) dopolni, razširi in nadgradi še z drugimi barvnimi fotografijami, ki jih ni še nikoli razstavil. Njegova fotografska kolegica iz Fotokluba Ljubljana Barbara Gregurič Silič in umetnostna zgodovinarka Nuša Podgornik sta iz njegovega arhiva barvnih filmov in diapozitivov izbrali posnetke, ki so se navezali na tematiko razstave v Šoltu ‒ Propad aglomeracije (Železarna Jesenice). Osredotočali sta se na motive zapuščenih ter propadajočih stavb in objektov ‒ fotografski cikel Abitanti, 2001 ‒ pa tudi narave v svojih ekstremnih izrazih, kot je na primer »razdejan« kamniti blok v kamnolomu, pred katerim je zrasel grmiček drobnega belega cvetja.
Razstava bo na ogled do vključno 5. februarja 2025 v času odprtosti knjižnice.