Nutria events

Erik Mavric exhibition entitled in abundance Razstava Erika Mavriča z naslovom V izobilju

culture exhibition

House of culture in Pivka

We invite you to the opening of the exhibition Erik Mavric entitled in abundance, which will take place on Friday, 7. in February 2025, at 19. hours in the gallery of the House of culture in Pivka.

Erik The Rainbow: in abundance

7. – 28. February 2025

opening: 7. February at 19. uri

Curator: Mojca Grmek

Erik Mavric is known in the Slovenian art space for his monumental works, in which he deals with existential themes and, in this context, especially with the relationship between the individual and the world. What connects all these works, whether it is the transcription of the biblical text on worn packaging, gilding 400 kg of bread, painting the gallery with crayon, portraying 325 pebbles on wooden tiles or redrawing the starry sky with a ballpoint pen on newsprint, is basically a simple but time-consuming, monotonous and repetitive process of their creation. The artist created each of them for several months or even years, from completely ordinary materials and with utensils of the widest use. By closely intertwining creation with his everyday environment and ordinary life, however, he introduced an existential component into it.

The same is true of his large format drawings, which he creates on various supports, paper, wood or gypsum boards, but always with charcoal. The artist chose this technique mainly because it carries in itself an existential primordiality; not only is charcoal the first substance used by man to create, as evidenced by prehistoric wall paintings, but it also expresses, on a material and formal level, the fragility and transience of life. The starting point for the creation of a drawing is a motif that the artist takes from his everyday life or dreams, transfers it to the base, and then follows the associations that lead him to the second, third, fourth, and so on until the whole is drawn. So the drawing is not created according to some advance plan, but gradually, as a series of motifs that arise associatively one after another from an unpainted background. On this path, the artist follows the inner psychological tension, so the images that gradually break out of his (under)consciousness are mostly pervaded by alienation, discomfort or anxiety.

Even if we are used to the discomfort of his drawings, in the latest ones this escalates to a dark horror and morbid grotesque. The drawings that have been created recently show figural scenes embedded in megalomaniac infrastructure objects such as viaducts, bridges, tunnels, or in a natural environment with elements such as vegetation or rocks of enormous proportions. All these landscapes in themselves seem threatening, and even more so when they turn out to be scenes of immense violence. The figures who carry out violence against each other are more or less the same, sexless, without emotions or feelings of pain, robotic, so it seems to them that it is somehow domestic, everyday, routine. Figural scenes of violence are in some places massive, in others they are reduced to a few individual figures wandering through the apocalyptic landscape, and in some drawings there are no figures at all – these depict the world without any trace of humanity. Therefore, the drawings, as a rounded whole, seem to outline the arc of the development of human society in the future, which pours out of the situation as it is today. If we had to describe it in one word, it would be – abundance. But when we think about what the price is for it, what its consequences are and where all this is taking us, we really do not find reasons for optimism.


Erik Mavric (1979) studied painting at the Academy of Fine Arts and design in Ljubljana, where he graduated in 2004 and received his master's degree four years later. During his studies, he received the student Preserna prize and in 2012 a special award from the expert jury at 16. Slovenian sculpture exhibition. He has presented his work at several solo exhibitions, including Gallery Krsko (2014), Gallery Alkatraz in Ljubljana (2018), Gallery Bozidar Jakac in Kostanjevica na Krka (2022), Gallery Ivan Grohar in Skofja Loka (2023) and in Cankarjev Dom in Ljubljana (2024), and numerous group presentations at home and abroad. He lives and works in the area of Brezice.

Hiša kulture v Pivki

Vabimo vas na otvoritev razstave Erika Mavriča z naslovom V izobilju, ki bo v petek, 7. februarja 2025, ob 19. uri v galeriji Hiše kulture v Pivki.

Erik Mavrič: V izobilju

7. – 28. februar 2025

otvoritev: 7. februar ob 19. uri

Kustosinja: Mojca Grmek

Erik Mavrič je v slovenskem umetnostnem prostoru znan po svojih monumentalnih delih, v katerih se ukvarja z eksistencialno tematiko in v tem okviru še posebej z razmerjem med posameznikom in svetom. Kar povezuje vsa ta dela, naj gre za prepis svetopisemskega besedila na odrabljeno embalažo, pozlatitev 400 kg kruha, poslikavo galerije z barvico, portretiranje 325-ih kamenčkov na lesene ploščice ali preris zvezdnatega neba s kemičnim svinčnikom na časopisni papir je v osnovi preprost, a dolgotrajen, enoličen in ponavljajoči se postopek njihovega nastajanja. Umetnik je vsako od njih ustvarjal več mesecev ali celo let, iz povsem običajnih materialov in s pripomočki najširše rabe. S tem, ko je ustvarjanje tesno prepletel s svojim vsakdanjim okoljem in običajnim življenjem, pa je vanj vnesel eksistencialno komponento.

Podobno velja tudi za njegove risbe velikih formatov, ki jih ustvarja na različnih nosilcih, papirju, lesu ali gips ploščah, vendar vselej z ogljem. Umetnik je to tehniko izbral predvsem zato, ker nosi v sebi eksistencialno prvinskost; ne samo, da je oglje prva snov, ki jo je človek uporabljal za ustvarjanje, kot dokazujejo prazgodovinske stenske poslikave, ampak tudi na materialni in formalni ravni izraža krhkost in minljivost življenja. Izhodišče za nastanek risbe je motiv, ki ga umetnik vzame iz svojega vsakdana ali sanj, ga prenese na podlago, nato pa sledi asociacijam, ki ga vodijo do drugega, tretjega, četrtega in tako dalje, dokler se ne izriše celota. Risba torej ne nastaja po nekem vnaprejšnjem načrtu, ampak postopno, kot niz motivov, ki asociativno vznikajo drug za drugim iz neporisanega ozadja. Umetnik na tej poti sledi notranji psihološki napetosti, zato podobe, ki se postopoma izvijejo iz njegove (pod)zavesti, večinoma preveva odtujenost, nelagodje ali tesnoba.

Četudi smo nelagodja ob njegovih risbah vajeni, se v najnovejših to stopnjuje do temačne grozljivke in morbidne groteske. Risbe, ki nastajajo v zadnjem času, prikazujejo figuralne prizore, vmeščene v megalomanske infrastrukturne objekte, kot so viadukti, mostovi, tuneli, ali v naravno okolje z elementi, kot so rastlinje ali kamnine, ogromnih razsežnosti. Vse te krajine že same po sebi delujejo grozeče, še bolj pa, ko se izkaže, da so prizorišča neizmernega nasilja. Figure, ki izvajajo nasilje druga nad drugo, so bolj ali manj enake, brezspolne, brez čustev ali občutkov bolečine, robotske, zato se zdi, da jim je to nekako domače, vsakdanje, rutinsko. Figuralni prizori nasilja so ponekod množični, drugod se skrčijo na nekaj posameznih figur, ki tavajo po apokaliptični krajini, na nekaterih risbah pa figur sploh ni – te prikazujejo svet brez vsakršne sledi človeštva. Zato se zdi, da risbe kot zaokrožena celota izrisujejo lok razvoja človeške družbe v prihodnosti, ki se pne iz situacije, kakršna je danes. Če bi jo morali opisati z eno besedo, bi bilo to – izobilje. A ko ob risbah razmišljamo, kakšna je cena zanj, kakšne so njegove posledice in kam nas vse to pelje, prav res ne najdemo razlogov za optimizem.


Erik Mavrič (1979) je študiral slikarstvo na Akademiji za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje v Ljubljani, kjer je leta 2004 diplomiral in štiri leta kasneje magistriral. V času študija je prejel študentsko Prešernovo nagrado in leta 2012 posebno priznanje strokovne žirije na 16. slovenski kiparski razstavi. Svoje delo je predstavil na več samostojnih razstavah, med drugim v Galeriji Krško (2014), Galeriji Alkatraz v Ljubljani (2018), Galeriji Božidarja Jakca v Kostanjevici na Krki (2022), Galeriji Ivana Groharja v Škofji Loki (2023) in v Cankarjevem domu v Ljubljani (2024), ter na številnih skupinskih predstavitvah doma in v tujini. Živi in dela v okolici Brežic.

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Društvo Hiša kulture v Pivki
Location: Hiša Kulture, 6257 Pivka