Nutria events

Carnival procession 2025 Pustna povorka 2025


It's time for the craziest Saturday of the year!!!!

Masquerades of all shapes and all ages, full of squalor and madness, invited to a lean procession to Laska!

On Saturday, 1. in March, you Masquerade will be able to stand out with your creativity! Take part in the procession and Dawn with us, feast on Carnival donuts, and we will be sincerely glad to those who will present themselves in traditional masks and schemas that once haunted winter.

Carnival procession, starting at 15. uri, will take place along part of Pivovarnska Street, Trubarjeva Street, part of Mestni Street and will end at the municipal courtyard, where the best masks will be awarded.

After the end of the procession and the announcement of the best carnival masks, a party for the little ones will take place in the municipal courtyard of Lasko together with the juggling and fire circus group Chupacabra!

We will be able to see the Kolibris circus show, a dynamic circus show full of attractive juggling points, acrobatic music inserts and stunt magic!

Kurenti from Ptuj will also visit us at Shrovetide, who together with you will drive away winter and bring spring.

For everyone who would like to actively participate in the procession, present themselves and compete for the prize, you can do this by applying to the attached form, which you can find here . Information and applications: TIC Lasko, 03 733 89 50,

In case of bad weather, the carnival procession is canceled.

Meet me at the craziest party in town!

Čas je za najbolj norčavo soboto v letu!!!!

Maškare vseh oblik in vseh starosti, polne šegavosti in norosti, vabljene na pusto povorko v Laško!

Na pustno soboto, 1. marca, se boste maškare lahko izkazale s svojo kreativnostjo! Udeležite se povorke in zarajajte z nami, se posladkajte s pustnimi krofi, iskreno veseli pa bomo tistih, ki se boste predstavili v tradicionalnih maskah in šemah, ki so nekoč preganjale zimo.

Pustna povorka, s pričetkom ob 15. uri, bo potekala po delu Pivovarniške ulice, Trubarjevi ulici, delu Mestne ulice in se zaključila na občinskem dvorišču, kjer bodo podeljene nagrade za najboljše maske.

Po končani povorki in razglasitvi najboljših pustnih mask, bo na občinskem dvorišču Laško, potekala zabava za najmlajše skupaj z žonglersko in ognjeno cirkuško skupino Čupakabra!

Videli bomo lahko predstavo Cirkus Kolibris, dinamično cirkuško predstavo, polno atraktivnih žonglerskih točk, akrobacijskih glasbenih vložkov in kaskaderskih čarovnij!

Na pustnem rajanju nas bodo obiskali tudi kurenti s Ptuja, ki bodo skupaj z vami pregnali zimo in prinesli pomlad.

Za vse, ki bi želeli aktivno sodelovati v povorki, se predstaviti in tekmovati za nagrado, pa lahko to storite s prijavo na priloženi obrazec, ki ga najdete TUKAJ . Informacije in prijave: TIC Laško, 03 733 89 50,

V primeru slabega vremena pustna povorka odpade.

Se dobimo, na najbolj norčavi zabavi v mestu!

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
TIC Laško
+386 3 733 89 50
Mobile Phone:
+386 51 305 466
Location: Laško, Laško