Joze Chozh, +386 (0)31 283 626.
Everyone is invited to 5. and 15. years of age. Also the possibility of only daily participation without sleep (you can even for a day)!
The camp covers all activities on the farm and with horses, workshops, regular hot home meals, brunches and overnight stays from Monday to Friday.
We carry out activities such as children's animations, games in nature, getting to know the farm,
animals, carriage rides, horseback riding, there is both an outdoor playground and an indoor playroom at our disposal, camping by the evening fire, water games, rodeo bull and stargazing - fun does not escape us!
Riding lessons
we dedicate ourselves to the individual and prior knowledge with horses, children also advance with knowledge or lose any fear of horses (everyone progresses in their own way!), we are here and
let's devote our time to making the most of the children's riding camp.
The camps are also suitable for those who do not come to the riding camp only in the concept of riding.
(Price 300 / child, 10% discount on the second child of the same family plus 10% discount for all our regular customers
The number of places is limited, we inform about full dates on the spot.
See you around?
We collect applications on our
gmail address
or on
+386 31 283 626
Jože Čož, +386 (0)31 283 626.
Vabljeni vsi, med 5. in 15. letom starosti. Možnost tudi le dnevne udeležbe brez spanja (lahko tudi za en dan)!
Tabor zajema vse dejavnosti na kmetiji in s konji, delavnice, redne tople domače obroke, malice in prenočitev od ponedeljka do petka.
Izvajamo dejavnosti, kot so otroške animacije, igre v naravi, spoznavanje kmetije,
živali, vožnja s kočijo, jahanje, na voljo nam je tako zunanje igrišče kot notranja igralnica, taborjenje ob večernem ognju, vodne igre, rodeo bik in opazovanje zvezd - zabava nam ne uide!
Pri jahalnih urah
se posvetimo posamezniku in predznanju s konji, otroci tudi napredujejo z znanjem ali pa izgubijo morebiten strah pred konji (vsak napreduje po svoje!), mi smo tu in
namenimo naš čas temu, da otrok jahalni tabor karseda izkoristi.
Tabori so primerni tudi za tiste, ki ne pridejo na jahalni tabor zgolj le v konceptu jahanja.
(Cena 300€/otroka, 10% Popust na drugega otroka iste družine ter 10% popust za vse naše redne stranke
Število mest je omejeno, o polnih terminih obveščamo sproti.
Se vidimo?
Prijave zbiramo na naš
gmail naslov
ali na
+386 31 283 626