On Friday, 7. in February 2025, village local community Lesce and elementary school F. S. Finzgar Lesce, at 18. they invite you to the lobby of F. S. Finzgar LESCA primary school for a celebration on the occasion of the Slovenian cultural holiday. This year's celebration is dedicated to the anniversary of the death of Mirko Kuncic, born in Lesce (1899-1984).
The event will be held in the spirit of respect for Slovenian culture, art and heritage. On this occasion, we will enjoy the cultural program prepared by the students and teachers of the school. Through songs, music and recitations, we will honor the important achievements not only of our cultural heritage, but also of Mirko Kuncic's heritage, and recall the importance of preserving and spreading the Slovenian language and art.
Everyone is invited to join us to celebrate one of the most important holidays in the Slovenian cultural calendar. The celebration will certainly be an opportunity to learn about the rich history of Slovenian art and culture.
Free admission!
V petek, 7. februarja 2025, vas Krajevna skupnost Lesce in OŠ F. S. Finžgarja Lesce, ob 18. uri vabita v avlo OŠ F. S. Finžgarja Lesce, na proslavo ob Slovenskem kulturnem prazniku. Letošnja proslava je posvečena obletnici smrti Mirka Kunčiča, rojenega v Lescah (1899-1984).
Dogodek bo v duhu spoštovanja slovenske kulture, umetnosti in dediščine. Ob tej priložnosti bomo uživali v kulturnem programu, ki ga bodo pripravili učenci in učitelji šole. Skozi pesmi, glasbo in recitacije bomo počastili pomembne dosežke ne le naše kulturne dediščine, gtemveč tudi dediščine Mirka Kunčiča ter se spomnili na pomen ohranjanja in širjenja slovenskega jezika in umetnosti.
Vabljeni vsi, da se nam pridružite, da skupaj praznujemo enega od najpomembnejših praznikov v slovenskem kulturnem koledarju. Praznovanje bo zagotovo priložnost za spoznavanje bogate zgodovine slovenske umetnosti in kulture.
Vstop prost!