Nutria events

Celebration on the occasion of the Slovenian cultural holiday, Saturday, 8. February Proslava ob slovenskem kulturnem prazniku, sobota, 8. februar


You are invited to the recital of the "time of the Puhar" , which will take place on Saturday, 8. February, at 18. hours in the Korotan Hall .

On the occasion of the Slovenian cultural holiday, we will listen to the polished poetry of France Preserna, the greatest Slovenian poet, and Janez Puhar, the first Slovenian photographer, inventor and poet .

The event will also feature a traveling exhibition about Janez Puhar .

Well invited!

Vabljeni na recital "Odzven Puharjevega časa" , ki bo v soboto, 8. februarja, ob 18. uri v dvorani Korotan .

Ob slovenskem kulturnem prazniku bomo prisluhnili uglazbljeni poeziji Franceta Prešerna, največjega slovenskega pesnika, in Janeza Puharja, prvega slovenskega fotografa, izumitelja in pesnika .

Ob dogodku bo na ogled tudi potujoča razstava o Janezu Puharju .

Lepo vabljeni!

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
KUD Jezersko
Location: Dvorana Korotan Jezersko, 4206 Zgornje Jezersko