Nutria events

Lighting with the arrival of St. Nicholas Prižig lučk s prihodom Miklavža

entertainment market

On the first day of Advent, Lasko will shine in the festive lights!

Join us 1. in December 2024 at 17.00 in the parking lot at the Cultural Center Lasko, where we will turn on the festive lights, enjoy the St. Nicholas Fair and officially open the skating rink!


Lighting and opening of the ice rink

Arrival of St. Nicholas with escort

Festive songs of the United choirs of Primoz Trubar Elementary School

Festive rhythms of the Lasko Brass Band and Majoret Lasko

St. Nicholas Fair with sweet delicacies, local products and collective Brand providers taste Lasko

Don't miss a wonderful evening full of music, lights and winter joys. Bring your family and friends and join us in the 2024 holiday season!

Na prvi adventni dan bo Laško zasijalo v prazničnih lučeh!

Pridruži se nam 1. decembra 2024 ob 17.00 na parkirišču pri Kulturnem centru Laško, kjer bomo prižgali praznične luči, uživali v Miklavževem sejmu in uradno odprli drsališče!


Prižig lučk in otvoritev drsališča

Prihod Miklavža s spremstvom

Praznične pesmi združenih pevskih zborov OŠ Primoža Trubarja Laško

Praznični ritmi Laške pihalne godbe in Mažoret Laško

Miklavžev sejem s sladkimi dobrotami, lokalnimi izdelki in ponudniki Kolektivne blagovne znamke Okusiti Laško

Ne zamudi čudovitega večera, polnega glasbe, lučk in zimskih radosti. Pripelji družino in prijatelje ter z nami vstopi v Praznično Laško 2024!

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Location: Trg svobode 6, 3270 Laško