When a Kushlan's hand is asked what he is doing, he usually replies that he is a storyteller in addition to everything else, since he has been doing it continuously for almost a quarter of a century. But there is also a lot of everything else. Thus, Rok is a radio announcer, director and actor in dubbing animated films. He is also a journalist and mentor of various media workshops for children and adolescents, as well as a guide to the Ljubljana marshes and more.
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Kadar Roka Kušlana vprašajo, kaj dela, navadno odgovori, da je poleg vsega drugega pripovedovalec, saj to neprekinjeno počne že skoraj četrt stoletja. Vsega drugega pa je tudi veliko. Tako je Rok radijski napovedovalec, režiser in igralec pri sinhronizacijah animiranih filmov. Je tudi novinar ter mentor različnih medijskih delavnic za otroke in mladostnike pa vodnik po Ljubljanskem Barju in še kaj.
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