The tunjice fruit and Horticultural Society is once again organizing a demonstration of fruit tree pruning, which will take place in the orchard of the mekinje monastery, which is part of a broader plan to revive and expand the existing orchard and in this way we want to present it as a teaching orchard in the city. The lecture will be by Dr. Jan Bizjak.
After the pruning workshop, the members of the fruit and Horticultural Society will be at 11. a workshop on the production of grafts of fruit trees was also carried out.
Workshops are free.
In case of bad weather, both workshops will be held on Saturday, 22. on Feb.
Sadjarsko-vrtnarsko društvo Tunjice ponovno organizira prikaz obrezovanja sadnega drevja, ki bo potekal v sadovnjaku samostana Mekinje, kar je del širšega načrta oživitve in razširitve obstoječega sadovnjaka in ga želimo na ta način predstaviti kot učni sadovnjak v mestu. Predaval bo dr. Jan Bizjak.
Po delavnici obrezovanja bodo člani Sadjarsko – vrtnarskega društva ob 11. uri izvedli še delavnico izdelave cepičev sadnega drevja.
Delavnici sta brezplačni.
V primeru slabega vremena bosta obe delavnici izvedeni v soboto, 22. februarja.