Nutria events



Sonja Kerchmar 041 258 183.

Tourist Association Vrtanek Gornji Petrovci invites you to a traditional hike on the occasion of the cultural holiday – Presern's day along the slopes of the village of Gornji Petrovci, which will take place on Saturday, 8. 2. 2025 . The meeting place with breakfast (wheat and buckwheat zlevanka) will be located at the village home Gornji Petrovci, from 9.30 to 10.00 hours. A warm snack awaits you at the end of the hike. The length of the hike is about 8 km. The contribution for the hike is 10,00 / person, for children the hike is free. Further information can be obtained from the president, Olga Pondelek (068 125 628)

or to the secretary, Sonja Kerchmar (041 258 183).The hike will be in any weather. Mandatory winter footwear.

You are kindly invited to Gornje Petrovce.

Sonja Kerčmar 041 258 183.

Turistično društvo Vrtanek Gornji Petrovci vas vabi na tradicionalni pohod ob kulturnem prazniku – Prešernovem dnevu po obronkih vasi Gornji Petrovci, ki bo v soboto, 8. 2. 2025 . Zbirališče z zajtrkom (pšenične in ajdove zlevanke) bo pri Vaškem domu Gornji Petrovci, od 9.30 do 10.00 ure. Ob zaključku pohoda vas čaka topla malica. Dolžina pohoda je cca 8 km. Prispevek za pohod je 10,00 € po osebi, za otroke je pohod brezplačen. Dodatne informacije dobite pri predsednici, Olgi Pondelek (068 125 628)

ali tajnici, Sonji Kerčmar (041 258 183).Pohod bo ob vsakem vremenu. Obvezna zimska obutev.

Vljudno vabljeni v Gornje Petrovce.

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
TD Vrtanek Gornji Petrovci
Location: Gornji Petrovci 32, 9203 Petrovci