Nutria events

Preserny kamishibai Prešerni kamišibaj

theatre children

Kamishibai theater is an artistic genre that comes from Japan. The performer stands next to a small wooden stage, on which the story that he tells flows in pictures. The images depict important events in the story similarly to the comic. Originality and mastery of drawing, as well as suggestibility of narration, draw the viewer deep into the maelstrom of events. Kamishibaj in our country, both among performers and among spectators, is becoming an increasingly popular form of expression, which represents a special challenge for artists, Slovenian artists and theater creators, and is also used in pedagogy and therapy.

On the happy day of culture, you will see fascinating stories, poems and riddles.

For children from 4. years on, 45', free, mandatory ticket reservations

Kamišibaj gledališče je umetniška zvrst, ki prihaja iz Japonske. Izvajalec stoji ob malem lesenem odru, na katerem v slikah teče zgodba, ki jo ta pripoveduje. Slike prikazujejo pomembne dogodke v zgodbi podobno kot pri stripu. Izvirnost in mojstrstvo risanja ter sugestivnost pripovedovanja potegneta gledalca globoko v vrtinec dogodkov. Kamišibaj pri nas tako med izvajalci kot med gledalci postaja vse bolj popularna izrazna forma, ki predstavlja poseben izziv umetnikom, slovenskim likovnim in gledališkim ustvarjalcem, s pridom pa se uporablja tudi v pedagogiki in terapiji.

Ob veselem dnevu kulture si boste ogledali prešernih zgodb, pesmi in ugank.

Za otroke od 4. leta dalje, 45′, brezplačno, obvezne rezervacije vstopnic

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Društvo Hiša otrok in umetnosti
Hudovernikova 5, 1000 Ljubljana
Irena Rajh
Mobile Phone:
Location: Hiša otrok in umetnosti