Nutria events

Food lesson with dr. Anja Meszaros univ. degree Eng. alive. these. Prehranska urica z dr. Anjo Meszaroš univ. dipl. inž. živ. teh.


Food lesson with dr. Anja Meszaros univ. degree Eng. alive. these.

The multigenerational center jointly informs that it will be on Monday, 13. 1. 2025, at 10. uri, in the meeting room of the municipality of Sodrazica held " Food hour with dr. Anja Meszaros univ. degree Eng. alive. these.«

You are kindly invited to visit uric for free!

All dates

2025-01-13 10:00 - 11:30

Prehranska urica z dr. Anjo Meszaroš univ. dipl. inž. živ. teh.

Večgeneracijski center Skupaj obvešča, da bo v ponedeljek, 13. 1. 2025, ob 10. uri, v sejni sobi Občine Sodražica potekala »Prehranska urica z dr. Anjo Meszaroš univ. dipl. inž. živ. teh.«

Vljudno vabljeni na brezplačen obisk uric!

Vsi datumi

2025-01-13 10:00 - 11:30

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Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Location: , 1317 Sodražica