Nutria events

The transformation of pain-together on the path of grief Predstavitev knjige Preobrazba bolečine - Skupaj na poti žalovanja

culture lecture health

P. Ivan Platovnjak DJ, will speak to the mourners and to everyone who is next to the mourners, but often does not know how to be with them.

He will present the programme for the bereaved and the book (10//) Transfiguration of pain-together on the path of mourning, at the Vipava Diocesan Gymnasium, on the Feast of the mother of God Of Lourdes, on Tuesday, 11. in February 2025, at 19. uri.

You are invited.

P. Ivan Platovnjak DJ, bo spregovoril Žalujočim in vsem, ki so ob žalujočih, pa pogosto ne vedo, kako biti z njimi.

Predstavil bo program za žalujoče in knjigo (10 €) Preobrazba bolečine - Skupaj na poti žalovanja, v Škofijski gimnaziji Vipava, na praznik Lurške Matere Božje, v torek, 11. februarja 2025, ob 19. uri.


Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Location: Škofijska gimnazija Vipava, 5271 Vipava