Dr. ANDREJ PERKO and dr. Uros PERKO: Hello, life 17. Tuesday 18.00 the book, in which successful therapists, younger and older dr. Perko, joined forces for the first time, is a very intimate insight into the experience of the world of three individuals who strive to live more fully, deeply and with more meaning. The brutally honest, deep writing, imbued with hope after a concrete change, I accompanied by the comment of both therapist, which give the book a special touch and unveil an Intere ting therapeutic process. The authors will be interviewed by Mojca Volkar Trobevsek
dr. ANDREJ PERKO in dr. UROŠ PERKO: Pozdravljeno, življenje 17. torek 18.00 Knjiga, v kateri sta uspešna terapevta, mlajši in starejši dr. Perko, prvikrat združila moči, je zelo intimen vpogled v doživljanje sveta treh posameznikov, ki si prizadevajo živeti bolj polno, poglobljeno in z več smisla. Brutalno iskreno, globoko pisanje, prežeto z upanjem po konkre tni spremembi, spremljajo komentarji obeh terapevtov, kar daje knjigi poseben pečat in odstira zanimiv terapevtski proces. Z avtorjema se bo pogovarjala Mojca Volkar Trobevšek