Nutria events

Show for children and the arrival of Santa Claus Predstava za otroke in prihod dedka Mraza

theatre children

This year's arrival of Santa Claus as part of the Tminski December celebration will also be accompanied by a children's performance. We will be with the fairytale Theater on Monday, 30. in December, from 17: 00 on the Town Square in Tolmin, we found out how happiness smells? The more of us there will be, the louder we will be able to summon Santa Claus, who will also give gifts to children.

About the show: a festive morning is waking up in a snowy city, and the chimney sweep Nace stands by the chimney and thinks about happiness. People talk so much about her on these pre-holiday days and greet her to each other, but he himself has never met her. Just what color is it, is it big or small, and what does it smell like? But Nace asks for help from a cat and a stork, but only when he sees a boy on the road crying and looking for a button is he on the right path to find out who the happiness smells like.

Tudi letošnji prihod dedka Mraza v okviru Tminskega decembrskega rajanja bo pospremila otroška predstava. Z Gledališčem Pravljičarna bomo v ponedeljek, 30. decembra, od 17.00 dalje na Mestnem trgu v Tolminu ugotavljali Kako diši sreča? Več kot nas bo, bolj glasno bomo lahko priklicali dedka Mraza, ki bo otroke tudi obdaril.

O predstavi: V zasneženem mestu se prebuja praznično jutro, dimnikar Nace pa stoji ob dimniku in razmišlja o sreči. Ljudje v teh predprazničnih dneh toliko govorijo o njej in jo voščijo drug drugemu, sam pa je še nikoli ni srečal. Le kakšne barve je, je velika ali majhna in kako diši? Pa Nace za pomoč prosi mačkona in štorkljo, a šele ko na cesti zagleda fantiča, ki joka in išče gumbek, je na pravi poti, da ugotovi, po kom diši sreča.

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Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Zavod za kulturo, šport in mladino Občine Tolmin
Ana Žuber
Location: Tolmin, Mestni trg, 5220 Tolmin