Nutria events

Celebration of St. Barbarians with a procession Praznovanje sv. Barbare s povorko

ethnology social

The Mining Museum and ethnological Society of Zagorje invites you to celebrate Saint Barbara with a procession through Zagorje.

The event will take place on Wednesday, 4. in December 2024, at 15.30 at the monument to the mining genera in the spa.

The event will take place on Wednesday, 4. in December 2024, from 15: 30 to 16: 30 in Zagorje, the complete closure of Boris Kidric Road on the section between blagovnica Zhiva (from the intersection with Road 9. August) and import to the parking lot at Vashhava.

Rudarsko muzejsko in etnološko društvo Zagorje vabi na praznovanje svete Barbare s povorko po Zagorju.

Prireditev bo v sredo, 4. decembra 2024, ob 15.30 pri spomeniku rudarskim rodovom v Toplicah.

Zaradi prireditve bo v sredo, 4. decembra 2024, od 15.30 do 16.30 ure v Zagorju popolna zapora Ceste Borisa Kidriča na odseku med blagovnico Živa (od križišča s Cesto 9. avgusta) in uvozom na parkirišče pri Vašhavi.

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
RMED Zagorje
Location: Toplice, 1410 Zagorje ob Savi