Nutria events


children culture

You are invited to a fairy tale hour, where together with the librarian Ursko we will enter a magical world of stories, full of imagination and adventure. Join us and experience unforgettable moments alongside miraculous creatures and brave heroes!

Vabljeni na pravljično uro, kjer bomo skupaj s knjižničarko Urško vstopili v čaroben svet zgodb, poln domišljije in pustolovščin. Pridružite se nam in doživite nepozabne trenutke ob čudežnih bitjih in pogumnih junakih!

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Location: Knjižnica Blaža Kumerdeja Bled, Ulica Jule Vovk Molnar 2, Bled