Nutria events

Fairy tale hour Pravljična urica

children culture

Medvode library,, +386 (0)1 361 30 53.

Every Tuesday (from October to the end of May), children aged four years or older are invited to a fairytale lesson , which is being prepared by The Librarians of the Medvode Library.

Fairy tale lessons are a form of book education that introduces children to the world of the book and gives them early pleasant experiences by traveling to the world of literary heroes. Listening to a fairy tale, the child strengthens his attention (watch the temporal sequence of events), experiences aesthetic pleasure, while expanding his literary horizons and enriching his vocabulary and literary taste.

The fairy tale lesson will take place without the presence of parents !

There is no entrance fee, you are kindly invited!

Knjižnica Medvode,, +386 (0)1 361 30 53.

Vsak torek (od oktobra do konca maja) so otroci, stari štiri leta ali več , vabljeni na pravljično urico, ki jo pripravljamo knjižničarke Knjižnice Medvode.

Pravljične urice so oblika knjižne vzgoje, ki otroke uvaja v svet knjige in jim omogoča zgodnje prijetne izkušnje s potovanjem v svet literarnih junakov. Otrok ob poslušanju pravljice krepi svojo pozornost (pazi na časovno sosledje dogodkov), doživlja estetsko ugodje, si ob tem širi literarno obzorje ter bogati besedni zaklad in literarni okus.

Pravljična urica bo potekala brez prisotnosti staršev !

Vstopnine ni, prijazno vabljeni!

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Location: Knjižnica Medvode, Cesta Komandanta Staneta 10, 1215 Medvode