Nutria events

Fairy tale with yoga Pravljica z jogo


In the fairy room of Branka Jurca, Youth Department. Every first and Third Thursday of the month, at 17. uri.

Thursday, 16. 1. 2025, at 17. uri.

The fairy tale tells:

Sanja Selinsek

Yoga instructor:

Sonja Trplan

V pravljični sobi Branke Jurca, Mladinski oddelek. Vsak prvi in tretji četrtek v mesecu, ob 17. uri.

V četrtek, 16. 1. 2025, ob 17. uri.

Pravljico pripoveduje:

Sanja Selinšek

Inštruktorica joge:

Sonja Trplan

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Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Knjižnica Ivana Potrča Ptuj
Location: Prešernova ulica 33, 2250 Ptuj