Look at the world when you are old. This time Joze and Ivana Kolar will walk with you through the north of Europe, as many as six "countries" or "countries". We will visit the Netherlands, Norway, Iceland, Greenland, the Faroe Islands and Scotland. We will roam by boat, one of the most convenient ways to get from place to place in the area, capturing the air while looking at colorful villages or towns, at geysers, glaciers and at Majestic icebergs. Ivan Cankar would certainly and rightly also say to them that "Heaven is on Earth".
Oglej si svet, ko si zrelih let. Tokrat se bosta Jože in Ivana Kolar z vami sprehodila po severu Evrope, kar po šestih »državah« oz. »državicah«. Obiskali bomo Nizozemsko, Norveško, Islandijo, Grenlandijo, Ferske otoke in Škotsko. Pohajkovali bomo z ladjo, enim najprimernejših načinov prehajanja iz kraja v kraj na tem območju in zajemali zrak ob pogledu na barvite vasice oz. mesta, na gejzirje, ledenike in na veličastne ledene gore. Ivan Cankar bi zagotovo in upravičeno tudi zanje dejal, da so »nebesa na zemlji«.